What is prequalification process and why it is carried out?
Prequalification process is a process that determines technical capability of balancing capacity units or groups to provide balancing capacity that are required to pass by all network users connected to transmission or distribution network interested in providing balancing services aFRR and/or mFRR, and is defined by the Rules for conducting prequalification process.
Upon successful completion of the prequalification process, the end user acquires a Certificate of technical ability to provide balancing services, which is a prerequisite for concluding a contract for the provision of balancing services.
The requirements to be fulfilled by each potential BSP can be found in the Templates section below.
Who can apply for a certificate and when?
An application for a Certificate of technical capability may be submitted by anyone who, with balancing capacity unit or group for providing a reserve connected to the transmission and / or distribution network, wishes to provide balancing services (aFRR and/or mFRR balancing capacity and/or energy). An application for a technical certificate may be submitted at any time.
Prequalification process:
Those who wish to provide aFRR and/or mFRR balancing services can start the process by filling in the Application form (aFRR or mFRR).
Filled, signed and stamped form then has to be sent via email or post on following address, as defined by Rules for prequalification process:
Hrvatski operator prijenosnog sustava d.o.o.
Kupska 4
10 000 Zagreb
After the inspection of the Application form, HOPS will provide an answer within 8 weeks from the date of submission to confirm whether the form is complete.
In case the application is not complete, HOPS will ask for additional information, which the candidate is required to deliver within 4 weeks from HOPS’ request. If the candidate does not deliver it in 4 weeks from the request date, the application will be considered as withdrawn.
If the form is complete, HOPS has 3 months to confirm whether the application was successful and conduct testing procedures of communication system and of technical capabilities described in the documents in the Templates below.
What after receiving confirmation the Application form was successful?
After successful completion of prequalification process, BSP will, in coordination with TSO, sign the Balancing Service Agreement (BSA) which will allows the BSP to join public auctions for balancing capacity and/or balancing energy.
A detailed description of balancing services, prequalification process, a request form, test profiles of the units or a group of service providers, a signal test and all additional excel templates are given below.
For all other information or questions regarding balancing services, please email us here.
Signal test (available only in Croatian language)
Application form for aFRR service (available only in Croatian language)
Application form for mFRR service (available only in Croatian language)
Test profiles for aFRR service (available only in Croatian language)
Test profiles for mFRR service (available only in Croatian language)
Excel template 3a (available only in Croatian language)
Excel template 3b (available only in Croatian language)
Excel template 3c (available only in Croatian language)